- February 29, 2024
Low-Cost Community Pet Clinic

The Rio Grande Valley Humane Society hosts monthly community clinics for RGV residents. RGVHS provides discounted vaccinations and medications for both cats and dogs. Pets must be present for medications to be distributed or vaccinations administered. These clinics are pre-registration only.
Registration starts at least 2 weeks before the event.
The upcoming clinic is set for March 23rd and will take place at the Rio Grande Valley Humane Society at Mission, located at 227 Abelino Farias St, Mission TX. If you are bringing multiple pets, please make sure to include the information of each pet while pre-registering.
Follow this link for pre-registration.
Please read through the following information prior to registration. There are specific restrictions and/or requirements for every community clinic.
- Cats MUST BE present to receive medications and/or vaccinations.
- Pet must be at least 3 months old to be eligible for rabies vaccine.
- Pet must be over 8 weeks old to be eligible for Cat Revolution (Flea/Tick Preventative).
- ALL CATS must be in INDIVIDUAL carriers regardless of size. Cats must be held in the inside portion of the vehicle.
- There are NO refunds, reschedules or exchanges of any kind, for any reason.
- Dogs MUST BE present to receive medications and/or vaccinations.
- Pet must be at least 6 weeks old to be eligible for DHPPV and Bordatella vaccine.
- Pet must be at least 3 months old to be eligible for rabies vaccine.
- Pet must be at least 4lbs to be eligible for Nexgard (Flea/Tick Preventative.)
- Pet must be at least 6 weeks old to be eligible for Tri-heart (Heartworm Preventative.)
- Clients purchasing Heartworm medication MUST present staff with a printed copy of a negative heartworm test that was performed within 12 months.
- ALL DOGS MUST be held in the inside portion of the vehicle. Dogs CANNOT be riding in the back of a truck.
- There are NO refunds, reschedules or exchanges of any kind, for any reason.
- This clinic is first come first serve. You will be asked to select a time during your registration BUT IS STILL FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.
- The clinic is from 10 am-1 pm. We are unable to service clients who are unable to arrive within the timeframe.
- The rabies vaccine does not include the rabies tag. It is sold
- The Rio Grande Valley Humane Society is only able to sell medications that are weight-appropriate for the pet that you describe in this registration. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure the provided information is accurate. We WILL NOT provide medications that are NOT weight-appropriate based on the information you provide in this registration (ex. a larger Nexgard pill to split between two animals is prohibited). If the pet’s weight at the time of pick-up does not visibly resemble the information provided in this form, RGVHS will be unable to distribute any medication and your purchase will be considered a donation to the shelter. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Your submission and registration is only valid for the animal described in the form you submitted. RGVHS is unable to provide services for pets that were NOT pre-registered. RGVHS is unable to provide services to a different pet in place of one that was unable to attend.
- The Rio Grande Valley Humane Society will NOT provide refunds, reschedules, or exchanges of any kind for any reason if the pet does not come in for the scheduled appointment.