• September 5, 2024

Spotlighting Mission Historical Museum Collections

Spotlighting Mission Historical Museum Collections

The 1964 Plectron Sentry FM Radio Receiver

We are excited to spotlight a unique item from our collections: the Plectron Sentry FM Radio Receiver from 1964! This piece of technology was once a vital tool used by the Mission Fire Department to enhance public safety and emergency response.

The Plectron Sentry was an early warning system that played a crucial role in activating disaster warning systems and alerting emergency response personnel. Before the advent of more advanced communication technology, this receiver was used to broadcast emergency alerts, ensuring that firefighters and other first responders were quickly mobilized during critical situations.

This device not only reflects the technological advancements of its time but also highlights the dedication of our local emergency services in protecting the community. The Plectron Sentry FM Radio Receiver stands as a testament to the history of public safety in Mission and serves as a reminder of the progress we’ve made in emergency communication.

We are proud to feature this important piece of history in our collection, showcasing the tools that have helped keep our community safe through the years. Stay tuned for more spotlights on fascinating objects from our collections!

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