• April 6, 2024

Sowing Success: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders with Mission CISD

Sowing Success: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders with Mission CISD
Photo Courtesy of Mission CISD

McAllen, TX – The International Museum of Art & Science (IMAS) is proud to announce its upcoming student exhibition, “Mission CISD: Growing Next Generation of F.A.R.M.E.R.S.”, running from April 20 to May 19, 2024. This exhibition is made possible, in part, by a grant from Texas Women for the Arts, a program of the Texas Cultural Trust.

Mission CISD is dedicated to cultivating the next generation of F.A.R.M.E.R.S. (Farmers, Agriculturists, Ranchers, Machinists, Engineers, Researchers, and Suppliers). Their comprehensive program, offered to grades K-12, focuses on educating students about food cultivation and emphasizing the importance of proper nutrition. In a region facing numerous food-related challenges, this initiative aims to combat food insecurity and related health issues through education and engagement.

The program strives for inclusivity by encouraging participation from all interested students, with a particular emphasis on including girls and students with disabilities who have traditionally been underrepresented in agricultural studies and careers.

By introducing elementary to high school students to careers in agricultural science, the program aims to promote entrepreneurial spirit and leadership qualities. The anticipated outcome is a generation of students who understand the significance of agriculture, community service, and the integration of technology in these fields.

In this exhibition, visitors will be able to hear firsthand stories from high school level F.A.R.M.E.R.S. students about the benefits of the program, from making new friendships to finding new passions. Many are following the footsteps of their family members or learning that the program could help bridge the gender gap in STEM. Some have enjoyed being able to donate the fruits of their labor to their local food bank, feeding seniors, and even their fellow classmates. Some are simply enjoying the peace and beauty that can be found in a garden, from the fruits and blooms to the bugs and animals. Alexis Vasquez, Veterans Memorial High School says, “In our garden we are not only growing vegetables, we are also growing as individuals.”

The exhibit will showcase the work of students from Mission High School and Veterans Memorial High School, highlighting their innovative contributions to agricultural science and related fields.

Join us at IMAS as we celebrate the accomplishments of these young visionaries and explore the future of agriculture in our community. For more information about the exhibition and IMAS, please visit https://theimasonline.org/mission-cisd-farmers/

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