• February 15, 2025

Over Half of MALC Members Appointed to Committee Leadership Positions

Over Half of MALC Members Appointed to Committee Leadership Positions

Members will hold Speaker Pro Tem, 6 Chair and 15 Vice Chair positions

AUSTIN, TX — Today, Texas House Speaker Dustin Burrows appointed members of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus (MALC) to key leadership positions for the 89th Legislature, including Speaker Pro Tem, six committee chairmanships, and 15 vice chair positions. These appointments place MALC members in critical roles on committees such as Appropriations, Calendars, State Affairs, Transportation, and Natural Resources—areas that directly impact Latino communities across Texas.

State Representative Ramón Romero, Jr., Chairman of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus released the following statement:

“The House Speaker’s appointment of 21 MALC members to key committee leadership roles underscores the expertise and influence our bipartisan caucus brings to the legislative process. In a session where decisions will shape the future of millions of Latino families and determine the use of billions in state funding, it is essential our voices are at the table. MALC members are ready to lead, ensuring that policies enacted this session reflect the needs of the communities we serve.”

MALC Member committee leadership assignments for the 89th Texas Legislature in the Texas House of Representatives are as follows:

Speaker Pro Tem

Rep. Joseph Moody

Chair Positions

Rep. Ryan Guillen

Rep. Philip Cortez

Rep. Rafael Anchia

Rep. John Lujan

Rep. Oscar Longoria

Rep. Terry Canalez

Agriculture & Livestock

Permanent Standing Subcommittee on Defense and Veterans’ Affairs

Permanent Standing Subcommittee on Telecommunications & Broadband

Permanent Standing Subcommittee on International Relations

Permanent Standing Subcommittee on Workforce

Permanent Standing Subcommittee on Transportation Funding

Vice Chair Positions

Rep. R.D. “Bobby” Guerra

Rep. Mary Gonzalez

Rep. Gene Wu

Rep. Lulu Flores

Rep. Eddie Morales

Rep. Claudia Ordaz

Rep. Erin Gamez

Rep. Ray Lopez

Rep. Cassandra Garcia Hernandez

Rep. Armando Martinez

Rep. Diego Bernal

Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Campos

Rep. Ana Hernandez

Rep. Oscar Longoria

Rep. Mary Ann Perez

Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer

Agriculture & Livestock


Criminal Jurisprudence

Culture, Recreation & Tourism

Energy Resources

Environmental Regulation

General Investigating

Homeland Security, Public Safety & Veterans’ Affairs

Permanent Standing Subcommittee on State-Federal Relations

Natural Resources

Public Education

Public Health

State Affairs

Permanent Standing Subcommittee on International Relations


Ways & Means

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Jackie Arias-Bryant at jackie@malc.org or (956) 588-5243.

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