• August 21, 2024

Maintaining Biodiversity in Quinta Mazatlan

Maintaining Biodiversity in Quinta Mazatlan

As part of our ongoing commitment to preserving and enhancing the biodiversity within our park, we’ve implemented a specialized approach to managing its various ecosystems. One of the most vital areas in this effort is Coyote Meadow, a thriving habitat filled with native grasses and wildflowers that serve as a haven for pollinators.

Coyote Meadow is unique in its role within the park’s broader ecological network. If left unmanaged, the meadow would naturally undergo succession. Over time, perennial woody species would establish themselves, eventually transforming the area into an extension of the park’s thornforest habitat. While this natural progression is fascinating, it would reduce the diversity of the park’s ecosystems. To maintain the meadow as a distinct and valuable habitat, we employ a method known as “rough mowing.”

We carefully time this mowing to coincide with late summer when most of the plants have dried in the heat. This process allows us to open the soil to sunlight, giving native grasses and wildflowers the space they need to thrive. The cut plant materials are left in place, providing a natural mulch and compost that enriches the soil, fosters new growth, and supports the meadow’s ongoing health.

Through this targeted management, we ensure that Coyote Meadow remains a vibrant, biodiverse environment that supports a wide range of pollinators and other wildlife. This is just one of the ways we’re working to keep our park a rich and diverse sanctuary for nature.

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